KT Software

KT Software, LLC is a California-based tech startup primarily working with AI technologies, consumer software applications, and a vision for a brighter tomorrow.
We are driven by nothing more than an ambition to improve the state of modern society through the use of new technologies.

KT Software logo

Our Belief

We strongly believe in the utilization of up-and-coming technologies in order to supplement the natural human instinct to act with good moral character. We live in a world ripe with opportunity to benefit humanity at its core- especially in regards to these aforementioned new technologies.It is our moral imperative to use such technologies in a responsible manner- to innovate in a way that is beneficial to society.

Our Mission.

We're currently working towards cultivating a software landscape that appeals to humanity's base social instincts. We feel that technology is best used to supplement the positive aspects of human psychology, and has great potential to benefit society when used in this manner.While we aren't at liberty to openly discuss our current works-in-progress, as we must deal with the United States's long and arduous patent system- feel free to send us an email with any questions, comments, or concerns you might have regarding our work!Within the next few months, we will be proud to unveil the main project we're working on- and hopefully, you'll be just as excited as we are!

Why KT Software?

KT Software is a small, grassroots company that was started by, and is currently overseen by two individuals, and those two individuals alone. Our company was founded on the very idea of "investing in people".We are not influenced by any larger, overarching shadow organization, nor do we intend to ever be.Every project we choose to put our time into is the result of a man's idea, and a man's effort. Nothing more, nothing less.We are operated on the base concept of humanity.And in a world rife with dystopian technologies, shady organizations, and other terrifying realities that Philip K. Dick could only dream of- why wouldn't you place your bets on the one thing we've always been able to rely on?

Working with us.

We're happy to hear any ideas you might have regarding our company, our projects, or what we stand for!We're currently open to accepting new individuals who are hoping to have a conversation with us, and potentially working out some kind of arrangement.Feel free to email us through the boxes below, with whatever thoughts you have in mind.

Get in touch with KT Software!

Leave us a message if you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our work!We'll reach out to you as soon as we can!

© KT Software LLC. All rights reserved.